Egyptian President Al Sisi deceive the whole world - By Dr. Seti Shenouda

Egyptian President Al Sisi deceive the whole world ..


By   Dr.  Seti  Shenouda 

 Image result for ‫السيسى‬‎

== Egyptian President  Al Sisi belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist  organization ..

== Most ministers in the Government of Al Sisi are belonging   to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist   organization

== President  Al Sisi put the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in a luxury prison  to deceive the
truth about the current  regime   , until they will be  released  ..   while  no final   provisions  had been issued till now  against    the leaders and  the militia of   the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group , in hundreds of killings and terrorism cases .

At the same time, they   put tens of thousands of human rights activists under torture in inhumane prisons , to sleep on the ground   in very narrow and stacked rooms without ventilation, and in temperatures exceeding 50 degrees Celsius in summer .

== President  Al Sisi allowed travel of most of  Muslim  Brotherhood leaders -  accused of murder -  to Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, without arrest or trial ..!!??

== Egyptian security forces had arrested tens of thousands of political and human rights activists, and tortured to death many of them  in  the past two years  .

 ==  Killing of Christians in Egypt and  burning their churches and  homes , under the protection of the police forces, and unpunished one defendant in hundreds of these crimes
== In the past two years, the Egyptian Interior Ministry has built 19 huge  prisons , some of them of area up to one million square meters  , and cost billions of dollars , to   arrest  new hundreds of thousands of opponents and human rights activists in Egypt ..

 == A study(  in Arabic)  proves that  the Egyptian security  had tortured and killed the Italian  student  Giulio Regeni in Cairo ,  and the Egyptian Sherif Habib in London

Dr.   Seti  Shenouda 
Egyptian doctor and human rights activist
Researcher in terrorism and political Islam
Member of Amnesty International


Some of my  searches   and studies  ( in Arabic  ) about terrorism  , published in the most important Arabic web sites  :
 A search  (  in Arabic   )  proved  by  many documents of  WIKILEKS that Al  SISI  With the Egyptian  Military Council and USA foreign minister ( Lady  Hillary  Clinton  ) , and  USA Ambassador  in Cairo ( Lady  Anne  Patterson  ) falsified   the election on 2012 for winning  of Muslim Brotherhood Leader MOHAMAD MURSY

 :  PART 1

PART 2 :


2–A  study  (  in Arabic )     proves President Sisi alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group, and the imprisonment of their leaders in  luxury prisons to deceive the whole world .

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3 -A study proves the complicity of the police and prosecutors in Egypt  with the terrorist attacks and  killing and torture of  the Egyptians


4 -- A study   (  in Arabic ) documenting alliance of The Egyptian  President Al Sisi with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization  :

PART – 10 =

PART – 8   =         


PART 6= 



PART 3= 

PART  2= 



5 = A search  ) in Arabic (  demonstrates by documents that the  Egyptian military intelligence - under the leadership of Al SISI – made  the massacre of Christians in Maspero , Cairo – Egypt  on 9/10/2011 by crushing them by  military Tanks

6  = A search  (  in Arabic   )  demonstrates by documents that Al SISI  -when he was the  leadership of   the Egyptian   military intelligence -   made  the massacre of Christians in  ALQEDESIN  CHURCH  in Alexandria – Egypt on 1/1/2011


7 = A search ( in Arabic ) by documents proved complicity  of  President  AL SISI and some of senior Egyptian military leaders with Daaesh terrorist organization ( ISIS )in carrying out terrorist attacks in Sinai – EGYPT  :

8 -  A search ( in Arabic ) documenting the systematic persecution , Kidnapping and slaughter of    The  Coptic Christians in Egypt in the era of President Al  Sisi     :


9   - A search  ( in Arabic )  demonstrates that the military intelligence -under the leadership  of Al  Sisi- implementation of the  first massacre of Rafah in  Sinai on August 5, 2012   :

10 – A study   ( in Arabic )   proves  the relationship of  Al  Sisi with smuggling of Mohammed Mekkawy (Sef Al Adl) -an Egyptian leader of Al Qaeda  terrorist organization    ,   and hundreds of terrorists to Egypt  , by the Egyptian military intelligence, which was headed  by Al  Sisi   :



12 - A search  (  in Arabic   )  demonstrates by documents that Al SISI  and  the Egyptian   intelligence    made  the massacre of Christians in AL BOTROSSIA   CHURCH in Cairo  on 11 December 2016



** Blogspot of  DR. SETI  SHENOUDA   with some articles in English and German  :


Dr.   Seti  Shenouda  
Egyptian doctor and human rights activist
Researcher in terrorism and political Islam
Member of Amnesty International

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