The small fingers and big leaders of terrorism - BY DR. SETI SHENOUDA
The small fingers and big leaders of terrorism
in USA and Europe
I have studied terrorism in Egypt and in
the world for more than 30 years , and published many
studies about terrorist leaders in Egypt, and the terrorist organizations that
they created, such as ALQADA organizations and Daash ( ISIS)
and others .
Unfortunately, the security services in USA and Europe looking for " the small
fingers of terrorism", leaving the big
terrorism leaders in the ruling regimes in Egypt ,
Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, who are planning for terrorism by remote
and “ behind the curtain “
for destruction of USA and Europe and the whole world
==Most of the leaders of terrorist
organizations belong to the Muslim Brotherhood Organization , Including
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of al Daash (ISIS), and Osama bin Laden and Ayman
al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda leaders
The source of ideas and terrorist teachings is the Islamic Al-Azhar
University in Egypt , who teaches reference books
that incite terrorism, murder , slaughter and eating the hearts and livers
of human beings - in its schools and institutes in Egypt and
abroad , alongside the books of the leaders of the Muslim
Brotherhood terrorist group , such as Mr. Sayyid Qutb books ..
And by these books, they are
exported extremist and radical ideologies, which can transform the ordinary
muslim to extremist and terrorist in about two weeks only ..
These books
are the same references used by terrorists to justify the massacres do in USA , Europe and
everywhere ...
== The
Islamic school in Vienna, Austria – related to the
University of Al-Azhar in Egypt - contains curricula incite jihad, murder
and terrorism, that Austria has shut it down ..
And from this school graduated
many of well-known terrorists who wrote about them the
European newspapers , such as Mohammed Mahmoud, who threatened to blow up the
European football championship, was arrested, tried and imprisoned for four
years, and after his release he traveled to Turkey and from there to Syria,
where he became one of Daash ( ISIS )
leaders, and the slaughter of committing many crimes in front of the camera ..
== USA , The European countries and specialized
organizations in the United Nations, should take it seriously, and translate
these books to other languages - German, English and French
- and criminalization of the Islamic Al-Azhar University as a source of terrorism to the world
== Killing of Christians in
Dr. Seti Shenouda
Egyptian doctor and human rights activist
Researcher in terrorism and political Islam
Member of Amnesty International